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A happy pet is a clean pet

7298864_232x309Although they require grooming less frequently than we do, dogs and cats must be bathed, brushed, and trimmed from time to time. Ensure your pet is healthy, happy, and clean by bringing him into us. We’ll make sure he goes home looking like a star.

Grooming services

  • Bathing
  • Nail Clipping
  • Anal Gland Expression
  • Flea and tick prevention
  • Sanitary clips
  • Whole body shaving

Saturday vaccinations are available

tWHBbF96OOh5io1Sq-QpjhNCqw8Unfortunately, we are unable to groom pets that haven’t had their vaccines updated. Let us schedule a preventative appointment for your cat or dog. If you are unable to bring your furry friend in during the week, we offer low-cost vaccination clinics on Saturdays from 9am – 1pm.

Grooming appointments are available Monday through Friday. Call us today at 805-543-2500.